Yes / No
* If you do not answer the questions in this section. By default, all will be selected as "Yes".
*If no is marked, Please write down the risk measures you see missing
*If no is marked Please close the valves
*If no is checked, Reduce the pressure and cool the environment
*If no is marked Please ventilate the environment until you reach atmospheric levels
*If no is marked " Please do not intervene until the technician arrives
*If no is marked Please write the missing status
*If no is marked "Please provide the appropriate input and lighting environment
*If no is marked Please write inappropriate status
*If No is checked, Please make it suitable for stopping
*If no is marked Please write the problematic status
*If no is marked Please put it in the closed position
*If no is marked Please write
Start date selection:
End date selection:
Number of people to work: